The Xav73WinCustomize
Change all apparence of your computeur in one click !!!

Mar 20, 2006 11:38 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
A BIG THANKS for my level change in "Master Apprentice" !!!
finally it come after four years and whereas I believed never again that my levels changes !
thanks again !(can be for certain that does not have any importance but for me that wants to say much)
26 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

Nov 11, 2005 11:00 AM by Discussion: Windows XP
I am to subscribe has Windows xp magazine in France and it recommends remove the application of personalization before installing xpSP2, what it is necessary to do it for the stardock application or not? or right them to desactivated only, (or I owe right install the skin by defect for all stardock product like wb,ip,curxp,logonxp).

thanks !!!
8 Replies Reply 10 Referrals

Dec 21, 2004 7:23 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Site Issues
I do not uploade the wb and icons that you it occurs !!! is out or ??? thanks for reply
6 Replies Reply 7 Referrals
please i need serious help with skinstudio ,i make 1 wb with animation in userstartpanel 8 frames i indicate 1 for start frame and 7 for last frame
and off course i indicate 8 frame in frame rate !

but in fact i look the christmas time by mormegil for reference but after plusiors test my skin animation not fonction but with the christmas time that is ok !!!

help me please !!!
thanks in advance !!!
7 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Oct 16, 2004 6:45 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
please look the last message in my halloween railendar

uhmmm !!! i'm very disapointed by this negative attitude !!!
why !!!why !!!why !!!
5 Replies Reply 6 Referrals

Oct 6, 2004 12:05 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
in the personal site in wincustomize any person has explication for Awards please ,because i don't understand is what!!!thanks
3 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Oct 5, 2004 3:55 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
now my level is 4 but when i click in create personal site .asx is reply you don't have access !!!
please help me !!!
i need kill all my cookies wc and stardock an relogin ???
thanks for reply !!!
6 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Sep 13, 2004 4:37 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
i have in problem i think in my gallerie i deleted 3 or 4 skin in my gallerie it's a long time but it's reappear after 3 month or something like that ,i redeleted and again it's reappear after 3 month!!!
why !!!
the server is restored at period or what !!!
5 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Aug 18, 2004 7:34 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
please!!! for the theme manager when i made a theme ,when i choose the skin in link ,the link is for the page of download or for direct download ???
thanks in advance !!!
[Message Edited]
7 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

Aug 10, 2004 2:18 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
i rathing a skin windowsblind called Kawasaki_650 and the rathing is 6 with 3 vote and after my vote with rathing 9(because i like it) the rathe is 2 !!! why ??? that is injuste for this skin !!! and now the question is i make a rathing or no with other skin ??? uhmmm!!! difficult choice !
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